Corporate Structure And
Company Infrastructure

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FIMAR markets its products since 1994 at a global level. In response to increasing demand, our product range and manufacturing capacity has gradually grown over the years. Because of this, we’ve developed a full high-standard product and services portfolio, offered in all of our offices.

Callao - Perú

Manufacturing and commercialization of aquaculture, fishing and other industries products and services.

Callao, Chimbote -Perú

Design, assembly and maintenance of nets for fishing and aquaculture as well as commercialization of products for those industries.

Iquique -Chile

Manufacturing and commercialization of aquaculture, fishing and other industries products and services.

Talcahuano -Chile

Design, assembly and maintenance of nets for fishing and aquaculture as well as commercialization of products for those industries.

Puerto Montt -Chile

Manufacturing and commercialization of aquaculture, fishing and other industries products and services.


We are a global reach company driven towards institutional excellence and integral, transparent commercial practices that wants to surpass customers’ expectations and achieve the best results aligned with our commitment to quality and sustainable development in different markets such as: anchovy, tuna, sardine, mackerel and aquaculture.

Offices and Commercialization

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